What kinds of employee discrimination complaints can companies face?
As someone who manages or owns a business, you want to do everything in your power to reduce the financial liability your business incurs through its daily operations. Careful product testing, adequate insurance and compliance with the law can all help reduce your liability. So can having a proactive approach toward potential discrimination claims made by your workers.The bigger your business becomes and the more people you have on staff, the greater your risk is for facing discrimination or even harassment claims from someone you employ…
Things To Remember Or Be Aware Of About Litigation
Not every problem is best solved by litigation. Litigation is not easy, quick or cheap. A judge is not like an NFL referee who will throw down a yellow flag, assess a penalty and move the case along immediately. Remember that there are always at least two, and often three, sides to every story – yours, theirs and the truth. There may be facts or law of which either you or the other side is not aware of. There may be extenuating circumstances, or the other side may just feel your claim for damages is unreasonable. Litigation is time-consuming, distracting and expensive…