Hiring employees? It’s time for an employee handbook
When you started your company, you didn’t ever imagine you’d get to a point where you needed employees. You were such a small business at the time that you barely had enough clients for yourself. Today, you need at least three employees to keep up. Before you get started with hiring, you may want to sit down to talk to your attorney about drafting a solid employee handbook. Your employee handbook can have all kinds of business and legal information ranging from how you’ll handle violations of the code of conduct to how employee resignation or termination has to happen. Employee handbooks are great for a few reasons.
Using Non-Attorney Legal Services
There is a great temptation to use non-attorney legal services. I won’t name any, but you can find them on the Internet if you want to look. It is important to keep in mind that these services, while costing less than many attorneys, are limited in their scope. Many of these websites have detailed guidelines for a user to complete. Theoretically, these guidelines should result in a satisfactory agreement. However, good legal product is the result of extensive knowledge on the part of the lawyer of the needs of the client and extensive communication on the part of the client with the attorney. There are often details which may not come out in an online checklist which may be critical or material to the client…